An expat couple living in Abu Dhabi has celebrated the arrival of their first child after enduring 15 miscarriages over a six-year period. Sara Shebl Mohamed and Khaled Mohamed Helmy experienced a series of pregnancy losses, particularly in the first trimester, which made the prospect of parenthood seem unattainable. Despite facing numerous challenges, including high-risk pregnancy and multiple hospital admissions, the couple remained resolute in their desire to start a family.

After seeking specialist care at Medeor Hospital in Abu Dhabi, it was determined that Sara’s pregnancy was high risk due to certain health conditions, requiring careful monitoring and medical intervention. To mitigate the risk of miscarriage, Sara underwent surgical intervention aimed at expanding the uterus. The medical team also focused on monitoring hormone levels, identifying and managing potential risk factors, as well as providing emotional support throughout the arduous journey.

Sara’s pregnancy journey was fraught with uncertainty and complications, including recurrent bleeding episodes and a deterioration in her health, which necessitated intensive care due to hypertension. However, at 34 weeks gestation, their prayers were answered, and baby Farida was born. The neonatology team played a crucial role in providing specialized care and interventions to ensure the newborn’s health.

Khaled and Sara expressed their overwhelming joy at becoming parents, emphasizing the resilience and hope that carried them through their challenging journey. The couple is grateful for the support they received from their families, friends, and the medical team at Medeor Hospital. Dr. Prof El Sherbiny noted Sara’s commendable strength and resilience throughout her pregnancy, underscoring the importance of emotional and psychological support for parents navigating complex cases.