Bethesda's Fallout games have traditionally centered on the aftermath of a nuclear war in America. However, unofficial fan creations such as Fallout London provide glimpses into the world beyond American borders. A new mod on the horizon, titled Fallout: Nuevos Mexico, may offer players another country to explore in this post-apocalyptic setting.

The trailer is in Spanish, but with captions turned on, an English translation is available. The speaker is a woman who openly expresses disdain for "those from the north, with their shiny armor and tales of grandeur." She does not reveal her identity but admits to running a drug cartel and offers no apologies for her actions. The trailer also suggests that some captives at her villa are being brutally slaughtered, possibly even eaten.

The Fallout: Nuevo Mexico mod is being developed by a team led by Zapshock and is not affiliated with Bethesda. In a YouTube post, Zapshock states, "The following content has been created to represent a dark, fictional reality inspired by the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout. It does not aim to glorify or idolize acts of violence committed by criminal groups, but rather to underscore the perils of a devastated world."

According to Zapshock, Mexico City will be the largest hub in Fallout: Nuevo Mexico, though the mod is far from completion. There is currently no release date, but it will be exclusively available for PC when ready.