The Museum police in Thiruvananthapuram have filed an FIR against senior Malayalam actor Siddique on charges of rape, following a complaint from a young actress. Previously, Siddique had stepped down as general secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) due to allegations from the same actress. He also filed a police complaint, alleging that the accusations against him were part of a conspiracy. On Monday, actor Mohanlal resigned as president of AMMA in response to the Justice Hema Committee report and sexual harassment allegations against some executive committee members. All executive members have since resigned. After the Hema Committee report was released, some AMMA members called for those facing sexual harassment allegations to resign from key positions, arguing that their continued presence was detrimental to the association. More female actors have since come forward with complaints, leading the government to form a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to investigate the challenges faced by women in the industry. Kerala Police announced that the SIT, now reinforced with additional female officers, will take over all related cases from local police stations for further investigation.

On August 26, Malayalam film actor Minu Muneer accused some of her co-stars in the industry of sexual harassment.