This week's Big Ticket e-draw saw four lucky winners, including three Dubai residents and a Qatari expat, each claiming a Dh50,000 cash prize. Among the winners was Tamer Abwini, a Jordanian expat in Dubai, who has lived in the country for 21 years and has been purchasing tickets for two years. A father of two, aged 19 and 23, Tamer expressed his joy, stating, "I will share half of my winnings with my colleague who introduced me to Big Ticket, and if I win the Dh15 million, I will do the same."

Amran Hyder, a 39-year-old Pakistani resident in Ras Al Khaimah, has been a consistent Big Ticket buyer for nearly five years. His persistence paid off with a Dh50,000 win, which he plans to save in his bank account. "I am thrilled and grateful to Big Ticket. This is a life-changing opportunity, and I am hopeful for the grand prize next," he shared.

Mohammad Rashed, a 29-year-old Bangladeshi sales manager in Dubai, has been participating in the draw for six months with two friends. "I haven't decided what to do with the money yet, as winning was unexpected. My advice is to keep trying; Big Ticket is all about luck," he advised.

Fasila Nishad, an English teacher from Kerala living in Qatar, has been buying tickets with her husband for five years. Her recent win came as a shock, but she plans to use the money to build a house in India. "Big Ticket can make dreams come true anytime. My message is to keep hope alive; everyone has their day," she concluded.

August's Big Ticket purchases offer participants a chance to win the Dh15 million grand prize in the live draw on September 3. Additionally, cash prize ticket buyers are entered into an electronic draw the day after purchase, with a Dh50,000 prize. Ten customers will also win Dh100,000 each in the next live draw, along with a Range Rover Velar valued at Dh325,000.