A four-year-old girl student from Sharjah was left behind in the school bus by the staff recently, narrowly escaping a potentially fatal incident, as her parents informed Khaleej Times on Friday. Historically, there have been cases where children have suffocated to death after falling asleep in school buses or private vehicles due to oversight by supervisors or drivers.

Fortunately, in this instance, the girl was found crying by the bus conductor during the second trip for the boys, and she survived without any harm. However, she fell ill after being inside the bus from 6am to 8.40am and had to undergo a check-up at the hospital, her mother revealed to raise awareness among other parents to remain vigilant and communicate with bus drivers and conductors to ensure the safety of their children.

Ever since the girl began attending kindergarten on an early morning trip for girls, her mother made a point to inform the conductor that the child might fall asleep due to waking up at 5am.

On the day of the incident, the child boarded the school bus at 6am but did not reach her classroom on time. The conductor informed the mother at 7.30am that her child had fallen asleep, been forgotten in the bus, and couldn't reach the classroom. It was only when the mother called the teacher at 8.15am that they learned about the incident.

The family has decided not to send the child to school this year and has reported the incident to the local authorities. They have opted for online education, as they feel unable to trust the school and wish to prevent their child from experiencing such distress again.