Baiju Chaliyil's transformation is a testament to dedication and resilience. Starting at 91kg in 2020, he has evolved into a marathon runner, now weighing 66kg. This inspiring journey from Kerala, residing in Dubai since 2004, has not only been about shedding pounds but also about conquering challenges and maintaining a balanced lifestyle amidst a hectic business schedule.

In 2020, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, Chaliyil grappled with multiple health issues including back pain, high cholesterol, borderline blood pressure, and elevated uric acid levels. A disheartening series of test results from a doctor's visit was the catalyst for change. "The test results were a shock. That moment was the turning point where I decided to overhaul my lifestyle," Chaliyil recounts. He began his fitness journey modestly at home, gradually gaining confidence to join a gym. Initially, even a kilometer run seemed daunting, but his perseverance shone through when he completed the 2021 New York City Marathon, a 42-kilometer race. "Completing 42 kilometers was beyond my wildest dreams. The marathon was a clear indication of the strides I've made," he reflects.

Chaliyil's transformation extends beyond weight loss to achieving a healthy, balanced lifestyle. "I began at 91kg and now maintain 66kg," he states. This transformation, spanning from age 44 to 48, proves that it's never too late to prioritize fitness. Chaliyil asserts, "You can embark on your fitness journey at any stage of life. Age is merely a number when you have a goal in sight."

To achieve his weight loss, Baiju overhauled his diet and exercise regimen. He embraced a high-protein, moderate-carb diet rich in fibers, green vegetables, and lean proteins such as chicken. Adequate hydration was ensured by consuming four to six liters of water daily. His fitness routine includes a morning coffee, a pre-workout meal of oatmeal, and two hours of gym sessions split between weight training and cardio. Baiju attributes his success to his personal trainer, Javed Sayed, and his supportive wife, Ushina Baiju.

Chaliyil's fitness philosophy is clear: "Personal health is paramount. Sacrificing fitness for business is counterproductive. You must prioritize yourself to prevent lifestyle diseases." Motivated by his own journey, Chaliyil is dedicated to inspiring others, particularly those over 40, to pursue their fitness aspirations. He has established a community named "Fit Over 40" on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, fostering a supportive environment for sharing fitness journeys, tips, and experiences. "Fit Over 40 is a welcoming space where anyone can share their story and inspire each other. It's about creating an inclusive environment for people to begin their fitness journey and reach their goals," he elaborates.

Chaliyil emphasizes the critical importance of prioritizing personal health. He notes that while many invest in luxury items and their protection, health is often neglected. "People are willing to splurge on luxuries but not on fitness. Ultimately, they end up spending more on medical treatments for lifestyle diseases," he observes. He urges people to invest in their fitness to avoid such consequences.

Highlighting the UAE's initiatives like numerous jogging tracks, cycling paths, beaches, and accessible gyms, Chaliyil appreciates how these facilities enable everyone to stay fit without exorbitant gym memberships. The Dubai Fitness Challenge, a 30-day event, exemplifies Dubai's visionary leadership in promoting public health and wellness. "Through such initiatives, the UAE's leaders ensure everyone can maintain fitness without hefty gym memberships. The Dubai Fitness Challenge is a prime example of Dubai's commitment to public health and wellness," he adds. Chaliyil's transformation stands as a beacon of hope and motivation for anyone seeking to make a positive change in their life. "You can achieve all your fitness goals at any stage of your life. It's never too late to start," Chaliyil affirms.