What began as a light-hearted meme page on social media has blossomed into a successful business venture, thanks to the foresight and tenacity of Rohit Bharati and Mahak Sharma. Tidding, initially a hub for sharing humorous content, has metamorphosed into a prominent advertising and social media agency, garnering attention and admiration across the UAE and beyond.

"Tidding was meant to be just a meme page, at least that was the original idea. But Mahak saw its potential for more. As the significance of social media in the UAE escalated and brands began to recognize the influence of individuals, we started receiving collaboration requests," Rohit recounts. This insight sparked their entrepreneurial spirit, transforming a casual hobby into a robust business.

In its nascent stages, the business grew organically. "Initially, it was haphazard and very spontaneous. Gradually, it became more structured, and we realized this was serious work due to the time, effort, and income it entailed," Mahak elaborates. Recognizing the potential, Rohit and Mahak took the plunge into full-time entrepreneurship.

Transitioning from content creators to business owners came with challenges. Rohit reflects, "The shift in seriousness. When content creation is just fun, it's easy, but when it becomes work and you're responsible for a team, discipline becomes crucial. Balancing fun with work is key because our work thrives on enjoyment." Maintaining this equilibrium has been vital to their success, preserving the essence of Tidding while expanding their business operations.

Their strong personal brand on social media has significantly aided their entrepreneurial journey. Mahak observes, "When people recognize you, many doors open. Five years ago, approaching someone for social media management might have gone unnoticed, but now, it's different. This applies to every creator with an organic following." Their growing reputation has facilitated partnerships and client acquisition, highlighting the impact of a well-established personal brand on business growth.

Despite their success, Rohit and Mahak have adopted a cautious growth strategy. "So far, we haven't employed any specific strategies. Our work speaks for itself. We plan to promote our social media agency, Tring Studios, on our channels, but only when we can handle the client load," Mahak explains. This approach ensures they maintain the quality of their work without overextending.

A pivotal moment in their journey was when Mahak formally invited Rohit to join Tidding full-time. "When Mahak formally asked me to quit my job and join her at Tidding, it was both serious and humorous. Serious because I've been working since 2010, and quitting meant letting go of a steady income. Humorous because I founded Tidding, making Mahak possibly the first person to hire the company's founder," Rohit recalls.

Balancing authenticity with business demands has been another challenge. Rohit notes, "Staying true to oneself can be costly. Some followers might dislike your perspective, and some businesses might not agree with your approach. But in the long term, the followers and brands that align with you stick around." Their commitment to authenticity has attracted a loyal following and compatible brands.

Rohit Bharati and Mahak Sharma's journey with Tidding exemplifies vision, perseverance, and authenticity. From a humble meme page to a thriving social media agency, their story inspires aspiring entrepreneurs to turn their passions into successful businesses. As they continue to navigate the entrepreneurial world, their authenticity and dedication remain central to their success.