The tale of Hamza Gul, who endured a night without sleep outside the GDRFA in Al Awir, gained the interest of numerous firms at the amnesty tent following a Khaleej Times article about his ordeal. Gul was among the initial recipients of an on-the-spot job offer. He is one of many undocumented residents who have visited the GDRFA tent in Al Awir aiming to legalize their status for a brighter future.

“I was astonished when informed about the job offer,” Gul recounted. “After all I've endured, this is a genuine blessing. It feels as though my life is finally improving.” On August 31, Gul arrived at GDRFA in Al Awir and spent the night outdoors, hoping to secure his status during the amnesty program. His months of uncertainty have culminated in a life-altering chance, as he has been employed by Transguard Group as a cleaner.

Having lost his prior job, Gul spent months homeless, depending on friends' kindness and sometimes sleeping on the streets. With his visa invalid and job prospects bleak, his hopes were fading until the amnesty program offered him essential relief. “I was utterly lost, unsure of my next step,” Gul admitted. “But now, thanks to this chance, I can begin anew. This job is more than just employment; it's a pathway to reconstruct my life.”

Hamza has been transported to Transguard Group’s facility in Jebel Ali by the company’s vehicle, with plans to expedite his visa shortly. “Hamza came to us, introduced himself, and emphasized the skills and experiences he could contribute to Transguard. We had seen his story in Khaleej Times and felt he would be a suitable addition to our company,” explained Shahid Muhammed, the hiring manager at Transguard at the Al Awir Tent.

“We conducted an interview with him, which he passed successfully. Since he lacks a permanent residence, we have accommodated him at our camps for a few days. We will soon provide him with his offer letter and initiate the visa processing,” Muhammed added.