The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has reiterated its demand for resident juridical entities holding licenses issued in June, regardless of the year, to expeditiously file their corporate tax registration applications by August 31 to prevent incurring administrative penalties. In a recent announcement, the FTA urged taxable entities to comply with the deadlines outlined in FTA Decision No. 3 of 2024 concerning the registration timelines for corporate tax under Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 and its subsequent amendments, effective since March 1, 2024. This decision sets specific submission deadlines for various categories of taxable entities required to register for corporate tax.

The FTA highlighted that according to Cabinet Decision No. 75 of 2023, which details administrative penalties for non-compliance with Federal Decree-Law No. 47, entities failing to submit their corporate tax registration applications within the stipulated periods will face administrative sanctions. The FTA's directives extend to both juridical and natural persons, whether resident or non-resident. Specifically, resident juridical persons established prior to March 1, 2024, must submit their applications based on the month of their license issuance, irrespective of the year.

For entities with multiple licenses as of March 1, 2024, the deadline is determined by the earliest issued license. Even if a license has expired by March 1, 2024, the registration deadline remains contingent on the original issuance month. The FTA confirmed that corporate tax registration can be conducted via the EmaraTax digital platform, available around the clock. The registration process, simplified into four steps, takes about 30 minutes to complete and allows direct access for Value Added Tax or Excise Tax registrants to their accounts on EmaraTax.

Upon approval of the registration request, entities will receive a corporate tax registration number. The FTA encouraged unregistered taxable entities to establish a new username on the EmaraTax platform using their email and mobile number, followed by selecting the 'register for corporate tax' option and completing the subsequent steps. Registration can also be done through authorized tax agents listed on the FTA website or at various government service centers nationwide, which operate electronically under government standards and are managed by trained professionals.