An industry official, Gian Paolo Biasotto, co-founder of Vision Industry and managing director of Optitalia Group – retail and direct channels, discussed the future of the luxury eyewear market in the UAE. He highlighted that the market is influenced by trends such as rising affluence, a focus on fashion and style, a shift towards sustainable and ethical choices, and technological integration. Vision Industry is poised to capitalize on these trends by offering personalized service, innovative designs, and sustainable practices. The company also integrates technology into its retail experience to enhance customer engagement and streamline operations.

Vision Industry differentiates itself in the competitive market through strategies like emphasizing high-quality materials, updating fashion-forward designs, and hosting exclusive events. Sustainability is a key part of their business model, with initiatives including the use of sustainable materials and ethical sourcing practices. Technology plays a crucial role in their retail experience, offering digital eye exams, customization options, and seamless online shopping experiences.

The company balances international luxury brands with local tastes, ensuring a diverse product selection that caters to a wide range of customer preferences.