Approximately 60 percent of Gen Z professionals in the UAE aspire to work in environmentally-friendly roles. Yet, a LinkedIn study reveals that only 30 percent possess a solid understanding of such opportunities. About 63 percent of Gen Z feel that the job market lacks sufficient green positions, and a mere 16 percent believe there are adequate training programs to equip them with the necessary skills for these roles.

"By 2025, Gen Z is expected to comprise more than a quarter of the global workforce, making it crucial for employers to pay closer attention to their preferences," noted Ali Matar, the growth markets leader for EMEA at LinkedIn. The research indicates that the majority of Gen Z aiming for green jobs within the next five years are motivated by a desire to safeguard the environment. They also perceive promising prospects and potential financial rewards in these careers.

Matar added, "This generation is steadfast in their demand for environmental policies that align with their values from employers and policymakers. They are also increasingly conscious of their part in tackling environmental challenges. The initial step for them involves acquiring the requisite green skills, a task that necessitates the collective effort of all stakeholders in the job market."

LinkedIn data places the UAE second in the Mena region for average green talent concentration across generations—Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers. However, Gen Z lags in green skills compared to other age groups. Millennials dominate the green workforce in the UAE, constituting 65 percent of green-skilled professionals, while Gen Z represents only 15 percent.

A significant 72 percent of Gen Z is concerned about the effects of climate change, with 56 percent experiencing eco-anxiety due to this issue. Over half of the respondents (59 percent) have altered their lifestyles to reduce their carbon footprint, and 61 percent consider the environment in their daily decisions.

"For young professionals seeking to enter the green job sector, enhancing digital and STEM skills can be beneficial. LinkedIn data suggests that these skills can significantly boost the likelihood of successfully transitioning into green jobs," Matar concluded.