Are you an 18-year-old eager to start driving, or a long-time resident considering getting your license now? In Dubai, obtaining a driving license involves enrolling in registered institutes, completing both theoretical and practical training, and passing the necessary tests. The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) oversees the licensing process in Dubai.

Here's how to get your driving license: First, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria: be a Dubai resident, at least 17 years and 6 months old (though the license is issued at 18), medically fit, and have completed training at an RTA-approved institute. Special-needs applicants must open a training file based on medical recommendations and coordinate with the driving institute and Drivers Affairs department.

Next, register at an RTA-approved driving institute such as Emirates Driving Institute or Al Ahli Driving Centre. Then, pass an eye test conducted by an RTA-authorized body, which may include vision enhancement devices if approved. This test determines if your eyesight is suitable for driving.

After passing the eye test, attend theoretical classes covering risk perception, traffic laws, and road safety. You can take a mock test to prepare for the official theoretical exam, available in multiple languages. Only after passing this can you start practical training.

Practical training includes 20 mandatory hours. You'll then undergo two RTA tests and an assessment test from the driving school. These include a parking test in the school's RTA smart yard, an internal road assessment, and a final road test by an RTA official.

Finally, after completing theoretical classes, passing tests, and undergoing practical training, you can collect your driving license.