Bollywood star Sonam Kapoor's sibling, the actor-producer Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor, recently posted a collection of heartwarming images of himself with his nephew Vayu. On Sunday, Varrdhan shared a few snapshots on his Instagram account, depicting a leisurely walk in a London park with the young Vayu, who was sporting a fashionable pair of black loose pants over his diaper. The actor chose to wear casual black cargo pants, a white shirt, a cap, and sneakers for the day out. Accompanying the photos, Varrdhan penned, "Stroll in the park with VKA," expressing his delight in spending quality time with his little nephew. The images also highlighted the strong family bond between the actor and his relatives, eliciting joy among their followers.

Last month, Sonam posted a series of pictures on the occasion of her husband, Anand Kapoor's birthday, featuring herself, Anand, and their son Vayu. Sonam and Anand got married on May 8, 2018, in a traditional Anand Karaj ceremony. The couple welcomed their son, Vayu, on August 20, 2022, in Mumbai. Professionally, Sonam was last seen in the crime thriller Blind.