Health authorities in the UAE have cautioned against promoting electronic smoking products as safer alternatives to traditional cigarettes. The Ministry of Health and Prevention (Mohap) stated that there is no scientific evidence supporting these claims. To mark World No-Tobacco Day on May 31, the ministry urged smokers to quit, emphasizing the serious health risks including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and mental health issues.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) highlighted that the tobacco industry's portrayal of nicotine products as “safer” than cigarettes does not align with reality. WHO's report outlined that e-cigarettes with nicotine are highly addictive and harmful to health, generating toxic substances known to cause cancer and increase the risk of heart and lung disorders. Additionally, use of e-cigarettes can impact brain development, potentially leading to learning and anxiety disorders in young people.

Companies promote the concept of “harm reduction” to persuade consumers to try e-cigarettes, heated tobacco products, and nicotine pouches. However, the international public health agency stated that there is insufficient evidence to support the effectiveness of these newer products in helping smokers quit. Furthermore, there is growing evidence indicating that these emerging products carry their own risks, with most users ending up as dual users, which is more harmful.

An expert from Cleveland Clinic emphasized that there is no form of tobacco use that is safe. Dr. Humberto Choi pointed out the health risks associated with all forms of nicotine use, including vaping liquid nicotine, chewing tobacco, smoking cigarettes, and shisha. He also highlighted the lack of comprehensive understanding of the health implications of vaping, despite its links to acute lung inflammation, high addiction levels, and dental problems, among others.

Some vaping liquids contain very high levels of nicotine, leading to addiction. Moreover, the expert noted that vapes are often more tolerated in public spaces, potentially resulting in higher individual consumption than with cigarettes. It was also mentioned that although UAE laws prohibit smoking e-cigarettes inside offices and enclosed spaces, some smokers still vape indoors, assuming that the regulations for cigarette smoking do not apply to e-cigarettes.