In a scenario reminiscent of a Hollywood blockbuster, Qatari authorities apprehended a drug trafficker after a high-speed, adrenaline-pumping chase. The arrest unfolded when the dealer was caught in the act of selling a prohibited substance. The Qatar Ministry of Interior shared a 3-minute video on X, detailing the operation where specialized police units utilized advanced drones and ground surveillance to track the suspect. The footage reveals the dealer, driving a white SUV, stopping to transact with a buyer in a black SUV before speeding off onto the highway. He was pursued both on the ground and from the air using drones. The pursuing teams, also in SUVs and an SUV truck, managed to intercept him by forcefully colliding with his vehicle. Equipped with SWAT gear, the officers then broke the front windshield, extracted the dealer, and secured him with zip ties.

The video captures the moment the dealer, caught red-handed selling Captagon, was handed over to the Public Prosecution for legal proceedings. The authorities emphasized their unwavering commitment to enforcing all necessary actions against lawbreakers to ensure the community's safety and security.