Ever wonder how UAE residents manage their pets when they travel during the summer? Many opt for pet-sitters. Industry experts note a significant demand for pet-sitting services during the summer and towards the end of the year as residents go on vacation abroad. Specialized sitters provide regular check-ins and care for fees ranging from Dh70 to Dh170 per visit. Some residents take up to three weeks' vacation, with pet-sitting costs reaching up to Dh3,570, according to a Dubai-based pet-sitting website.

Paulita Hesketh, owner of The Pet Sitter Dubai, has firsthand experience with the seasonal demand for these services. "During peak seasons like July and August, December and January, and over the Easter break, we see a surge in bookings," Paulita told Khaleej Times. "Our customers often book six months in advance, and new inquiries usually come in about two weeks before school holidays." She emphasized their approach to handling increased summer demand: "Despite being a small team of skilled multicultural women from diverse backgrounds, we ensure high-quality service without hiring additional staff. We pride ourselves on managing workload efficiently to meet our clients' needs," Paulita said.

According to the website, a standard visit lasts 30 minutes and costs Dh85, applicable to two pets of the same species. "Our services range from 30 to 60-minute visits, all conducted in the familiar surroundings of the client's home," she explained. Paulita detailed their service model: "When a client contacts us, we start with a comprehensive questionnaire to gather essential details such as medical history and behavioral traits. Matching the pet with the most suitable sitter is crucial, followed by a face-to-face meeting and a transparent contractual agreement that adheres to all municipal regulations," Paulita added. The Dubai resident began her journey with pet sitting when she left her job to care for her senior pet, Doodle. "It all started when I left my dream job to care for my senior pet, Doodle," she shared. "From there, word spread, and soon my services were sought out across the city."

Andrea Petrovic, a Serbian expat who has been in the UAE for 8 years, used the pet sitting service and became a part-time pet sitter in 2020. "I had to leave the country to get married and leave my cat in a boarding facility for three weeks," Andrea shared. However, she noticed some changes in her pet, knowing cats are sensitive animals. "Cats are very sensitive, so they prefer their own home. I have noticed my cat Milo has become weak," she said. While Andrea sometimes leaves her dog at a daycare or boarding facility, she said she would not do that for her cat. "For my dog, it will never work because I have a hyperactive dog. So I would never leave him at home for 8-9 hours because he would go crazy. But for my cat, I will do it for the first time now because I need to travel. So, I will need to hire licensed pet-sitters."

Layla Binbrek, a Canadian expat, has used Paulita's pet-sitting services for several years. As a first-time pet owner who adopted a stray cat named Milo in 2020, Binbrek was initially apprehensive about leaving her pet behind during her travels. "It was difficult, I was very concerned," Binbrek shared. "But at least I knew that even though I was away, he's taken care of in the comfort of his own home." Since then, the Dubai South resident has used the pet service whenever she needs to leave her pet behind. She explained, "They play with him and inform me if there are any issues. They take care of him well." The pet service gave Binbrek the convenience and peace of mind she needed. "It just gives you that extra reassurance. You know exactly who's responsible for caring for your pet. They know exactly what they need, where the treats are, where the vet is."

Even in unexpected situations, such as the recent storms in Dubai, Binbrek was impressed by the pet-sitter's dedication. "The cat sitter assigned to me still made it to the house when everyone struggled. She even sent me a video of my apartment to let me know everything was okay, Milo was okay." For Binbrek, the reasonable rates and added assurance of a "second pair of eyes" on her home make the pet-sitting services an invaluable investment. "It's not like I don't have friends who can also check in on him, but they have their jobs and responsibilities. This is someone completely dedicated to taking care of your pet."

Hassan M, a Lebanese expat and Dubai resident, has also used a pet-sitting service for years now. As a busy professional who often travels for work, Hassan found it challenging to ensure his dog was taken care of during his absence. "I couldn't always count on friends or family to check on my dog, especially on short notice," Hassan shared. That's when he discovered a pet-sitting service. "It's been a lifesaver for me. I can now travel to work without worrying about my dog being alone or not getting the attention he needs." Hassan has even become friends with some of the pet sitters he's worked with, and they often walk their dogs together. "In case of emergency, I can even call one of them to quickly check on my dog if I can't get back home immediately." For Hassan, the convenience and reliability of the pet-sitting service are invaluable. "It's the most convenient service I've come across, and I'm grateful to have found it. It gives me peace of mind knowing my dog is in good hands while I'm away."