British actor Ian McKellen, aged 85, will not be resuming his role as John Falstaff in an upcoming tour, according to the play's producers, who announced this on Monday. McKellen, who was performing in 'Player Kings,' a rendition of William Shakespeare's 'Henry IV,' Parts One and Two, in London's West End theatre district on June 17, slipped and fell off the stage during a fight scene. The actor, renowned for his roles as Gandalf in the 'Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit' film series, and as Magneto in the 'X-Men' movies, was subsequently hospitalized.

In a recent statement, McKellen expressed, "Two weeks post-accident onstage, my injuries are gradually improving day by day. It is with utmost reluctance that I have heeded the medical advice to ensure a complete recovery by abstaining from work in the interim." David Semark, McKellen's understudy who finished the London performances, will take over the role in Bristol, Birmingham, Norwich, and Newcastle, as confirmed by the producers. McKellen's extensive stage career dates back to 1961, with notable roles including Richard III, King Lear, and Macbeth.