India places high importance on its relationship with Asean and pledges complete support for Malaysia's 'successful Asean chairmanship' in 2025, stated Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday. Following a meeting with his Malaysian counterpart, Anwar Ibrahim, PM Modi emphasized India's commitment to Asean centrality and the timely completion of the review of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between India and Asean. He also reiterated India's dedication to freedom of navigation and overflight in line with international law and the peaceful resolution of disputes.

PM Modi highlighted the long-standing ties between India and Malaysia, mentioning the successful 'PIO Day' event in Malaysia last year. He announced the allocation of 100 special seats for Malaysians under the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme. Modi noted the strong cultural and historical connections between the two countries, exemplified by the 3 million Indian diaspora in Malaysia and various shared cultural elements like music, food, and festivals.

Emphasizing educational and professional development, PM Modi discussed the establishment of an Ayurveda Chair at the University Tumko Abdul Rahman in Malaysia and the creation of a Thiruvalluvar Chair at a Malaysian University. He expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Anwar and his team for their cooperation in these initiatives. Earlier in the day, PM Modi announced plans to elevate the ties between India and Malaysia to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, noting a significant increase in Malaysian investments in India, reaching over 5 billion dollars last year.

Malaysia's Prime Minister Ibrahim also expressed strong ties with India, referring to Prime Minister Modi as his 'brother' and looking forward to enhancing their comprehensive strategic partnership. The day concluded with the exchange of MoUs and Agreements between India and Malaysia in the presence of both leaders at Hyderabad House.