Approximately 30 Indian expatriate organizations and community groups are set to organize a summit in New Delhi to focus the attention of political leaders and policymakers on the escalating airfares, particularly during holiday periods, and to seek a sustainable solution. The 'Diaspora Summit in Delhi,' scheduled for August 8 and organized by the Kerala Muslim Cultural Centre (KMCC) in Abu Dhabi, anticipates the attendance of prominent Indian politicians and around 200 community representatives from the UAE. The event will be conducted in partnership with KMCC, Delhi, and approximately 30 associations from Abu Dhabi.

Airfares to favored destinations experience significant increases during New Year, school breaks, and holidays such as Eid Al Fitr, Eid Al Adha, Onam, and Christmas. 'Airfares, notably in the Kerala-Gulf route, surge during the holiday season. Apart from 3-4 months, the fares are prohibitively high. It's our blue-collar workers who suffer the most. They travel once every two years, and sudden spikes in airfares create financial hardships. It's inhumane,' stated Shukoor Ali Kallungal, president of KMCC, Abu Dhabi.

The summit will also address significant flight cancellations and irregular services by Air India Express, along with the issue of permitting more international airlines to operate from Abu Dhabi. 'We are attempting to involve all Members of Parliament from Kerala in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha to participate in the summit. We have prepared a comprehensive report and will present our concerns to the politicians we supported in the elections. It's imperative they take action. We will request the Indian government's intervention in this matter,' Kallungal added.

Haris Beeran, a Member of Parliament in Rajya Sabha from the Indian Union Muslim League and also the president of KMCC, Delhi, is actively working to ensure the summit's success, according to Kallungal. 'This week, MP Haris Beeran highlighted the issue of the exponential rise in airfares in Rajya Sabha. We are optimistic that Ram Mohan Naidu, the federal Civil Aviation Minister, will address our concerns.' Recently, representatives from about 30 expat groups convened at the Indian Islamic Centre in Abu Dhabi to formally announce the summit.

'We have been advocating for this issue for years without a positive response. Therefore, we have decided to voice our concerns directly to our politicians. This is not only for Abu Dhabi or the UAE, but for the entire Gulf region. Successive governments have ignored the demands of expatriate organizations for a permanent solution. We are hopeful for a lasting resolution to this pressing issue,' Kallungal concluded.