Insurers have denied claims from UAE motorists who drove through flooded streets out of negligence following the extraordinary rains on April 16. The UAE experienced its heaviest rainfall in 75 years on that date, leading to widespread flooding in areas including Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, and other emirates. It is estimated that over 50,000 vehicles suffered damage due to these unprecedented rains. According to the natural catastrophe clause, only vehicles with comprehensive insurance policies are protected against losses from natural disasters; third-party liability policies typically do not cover such events. Avinash Babur, CEO of, noted that insurers are indeed denying total loss claims where it is evident that drivers intentionally navigated through flooded streets. “Insurance policies generally exclude damages caused by negligent behavior, and driving through deep water during a storm is considered such an exclusion. Therefore, even if the vehicle is severely damaged or considered a total loss, these claims are likely to be rejected if intentional or reckless driving is proven,” Babur explained. Moin ur Rehman, executive director of Unitrust Insurance Broker, added: “The terms and conditions of policies may be ignored in such actions, potentially leading to denial of coverage for damages resulting from such deliberate actions.” Babur further explained that insurers carefully examine each claim related to the April 16 rains to ascertain the conditions under which the vehicles were damaged. “The aim is to ensure that claims are legitimate, specifically checking if the vehicles were not driven through flooded areas during or right after the rainfall. Once a claim clears this examination, repair approvals are quickly issued, and vehicles are sent to workshops for required repairs. However, it’s crucial to understand that claims are denied if it’s confirmed that the vehicle was driven through water or in adverse weather conditions,” stated the chief executive of

Text: Lara Palmer
Heavy Rains Lead to Denial of Insurance Claims for Negligent Drivers in Flooded Streets