The highly anticipated iPhone 16 lineup and other newly unveiled Apple products will be available for purchase starting tomorrow, September 20, across all stores in the UAE. However, this year's launch has brought about a new arrangement that has left many potential buyers confused. On the eve of the launch, those who typically line up overnight were seen gathering around the stores without forming a queue, as they were denied the usual practice. In previous years, Apple stores in Dubai Mall and Mall of the Emirates witnessed massive crowds on the eve of the launch, with people queuing up well in advance to secure their new devices. This year, however, strict crowd control measures were evident, with barricades in place and security personnel actively dispersing groups and directing them away from the store unless they were seeking assistance with existing products. Only those needing help with current products were allowed entry, while others inquiring about the iPhone 16 were informed about the release scheduled for the next day.

Unlike last year, walk-ins will not be accommodated at Apple stores across the UAE. Customers who reserved their iPhones online on September 13 have been assigned specific times for pickup at their chosen store. However, queues will still be in place for customers purchasing products other than iPhones, which do not require reservations. In Dubai Mall, a system will be implemented to ensure that only those with reservations for the iPhone can access the first floor where the new models will be displayed. Ali, who arrived from India with a group of around 50 others specifically to buy the iPhone 16, was seen trying to understand the new arrangement. He had expected the situation to be similar to last year, which is why he attempted to line up outside the store. "Many of us have reserved the iPhone, and a few of us had hoped to be part of the walk-in crowd," he told Khaleej Times. "But it seems like we are not allowed to queue up outside the store tonight."

Mohammed, a Pakistani national, arrived from China to purchase the iPhone 16. "In China, it is available only after three days," he said. "We are hoping to get the iPhone 16 tomorrow." Rafeez Ahmed, a Dubai-based content creator, was also outside the store at Dubai Mall to observe the situation. His documentation from last year showed large crowds at this time, with people trying to buy the new iPhone 15. Rafeez has reserved four iPhone 16s this year, one of which he will pick up from the Mall of the Emirates store at 9am and the remaining three for his family members from the Dubai Mall store at 12pm. "It's tradition for me to buy the new iPhones on launch day," he said. Consumers can reserve only two iPhones per Apple ID, so Rafeez, who has two Apple IDs, was able to reserve four for himself on September 13. The iPhone 16 starts at Dh3,399, while the iPhone 16 Plus is priced at Dh3,799 for its base model. Both models come with a new camera control button and the innovative Action button for quick access to various functions. The iPhone 16 Pro starts at Dh4,299, while the iPhone 16 Pro Max is priced at Dh5,099 for its base model in the UAE.