In his Sunday Times column, Jeremy Clarkson delves into a variety of subjects, far beyond the realm of cars. His deteriorating health is certainly not a topic he enjoys discussing, but as one ages and carries more weight than recommended, such realities become unavoidable. During his vacation on a small island in the Indian Ocean, on the fourth day, Jezza encountered a series of unfortunate events in quick succession.

What transpired? After breakfast, Clarkson struggled to stand up: "I had to pause to ensure my limbs were functioning correctly." Later, while leaping from a boat to swim to the beach, he "hit the water like a labrador. It was a tremendous belly flop, and with a belly as large as mine, that kind of impact causes pain measured in acres." The remainder of the day was equally challenging; he struggled to swim and barely made it to the shore: "There was more water in my lungs than in Lake Superior, and I was mostly dead." Clarkson also mentioned difficulties descending stairs without assistance.

All these incidents occurred within a single day, prompting the former Top Gear and The Grand Tour host to rest for the remainder of his vacation, spending time in a chair while indulging in cheese and wine. Upon returning home, he "naturally ignored" the warning signs, even after feeling a tightness in his chest. The situation escalated, necessitating an ambulance ride to the hospital. Initially, doctors at the John Radcliffe Hospital considered sending him home as they detected no signs of a heart attack. However, a "senior doctor" decided to conduct an MRI, revealing a completely blocked heart artery and another nearly clogged.

The star of Clarkson's Farm underwent a two-hour emergency surgery. Fortunately, he did not require a heart bypass. The 64-year-old presenter now vows to improve his health by making "celery interesting" and discovering the taste of water. Before the final road trip for The Grand Tour aired, he confessed, "I'm too old and fat to get into the cars I like and not interested in driving those I don't." Hopefully, the British journalist will improve his fitness and continue to host Clarkson's Farm for many years to come.

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