In the forthcoming action-comedy Jackpot, John Cena leveraged his WWE background to instruct co-star Awkwafina in the art of delivering a punch, specifically for a scene where she was tasked with breaking his nose, as reported by The Hollywood Reporter. "I've experienced a broken nose in real life, and this was a prosthetic, which made it fantastic. The setup was enjoyable, and when she executed the punch, the gag looked terrific and translates well on screen," Cena shared with The Hollywood Reporter at the film's premiere on Tuesday. He further mentioned that he encouraged Awkwafina to "go all out," which she did.

Directed by Paul Feig, the movie revolves around a newly established Grand Lottery in California, where participants can legally claim their multi-billion dollar jackpot by eliminating the winner before nightfall. Awkwafina plays the lottery winner who is in hiding, with Cena as her ally. Discussing their on-screen chemistry, Cena noted, "She portrayed a character filled with anxiety, unsure of what was happening, while I acted as the calm, rational voice. These contrasting traits were integral to our dynamic, allowing us to simply be ourselves and infuse humor into the situation."

Jackpot, featuring Simu Liu, has been likened to a comedic take on The Purge or John Wick. However, Feig clarifies that these comparisons miss the mark, stating, "Those films have a negative view of humanity. I aimed for a good-natured approach. Despite the dark premise, the film hinges on the lottery's acceptance—if you participate in the lottery, you've implicitly endorsed it. Yet, as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that most people disapprove of the lottery and are actually rooting for Awkwafina to succeed."