The United Arab Emirates, the United States, Switzerland, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the African Union, and the United Nations have released a joint statement regarding Sudan on the occasion of World Humanitarian Day. "We began today with a moment of silence to acknowledge World Humanitarian Day. We aim to honor the dedication of humanitarian workers who have sacrificed their lives by continuing our collaborative efforts in Switzerland to reopen all major routes for food and medicine to reach the millions suffering from starvation and severe hunger within Sudan. Since April 2023, at least 22 aid workers have been killed in action in Sudan, and at least 34 have been injured or wounded. This is intolerable."

"We express our solidarity with all Sudanese and international humanitarian workers in Sudan who have been working relentlessly every day to assist those in need across the country, often at great personal risk," the statement continued. We urgently urge the parties involved in this devastating conflict to safeguard civilians and aid workers, and to adhere to their commitments under international humanitarian law, as they have pledged in the Jeddah Declaration. We, the representatives gathered here, are dedicated to 'acting for humanity' and urge the conflicting parties to follow suit," the joint statement declared.

The UAE has welcomed Sudan's decision to open the Adre border crossing for humanitarian aid.