The United Arab Emirates, United States, Switzerland, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the African Union, and the United Nations in Switzerland have released a joint statement regarding the Sudan Talks. The statement highlights ongoing efforts to enhance the protection of civilians, humanitarian access, and cease hostilities in Sudan. The delegations met with representatives of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

The delegations emphasized the critical humanitarian needs of the Sudanese people, the necessity to uphold and ensure respect for international humanitarian law, and the implementation of commitments made under the Jeddah Declaration. This includes the duty of both parties to safeguard civilians, protect and respect civilian infrastructure such as hospitals and schools, and ensure their normal usage, as well as allowing freedom of civilian movement.

A key issue discussed at the recent meeting was the imperative to permit safe and unobstructed passage of humanitarian aid and workers in and through all areas under RSF control, including the route from Gedaref, through Wad Medani and Sennar. We called on the RSF to open sections of this road, particularly the Sennar junction, to enhance access to humanitarian aid for approximately 12 million Sudanese across various states, and will maintain dialogue with the RSF on this crucial issue.

We appreciate the presence of the RSF, their response, and their readiness to take steps to further protect civilians and improve the humanitarian situation through additional measures. We welcome the news that humanitarian actors plan to move through the Adre crossing today, reiterate the need for the RSF to allow safe and unhindered access for humanitarian cargo and workers once movements begin through this corridor, and reiterate both parties' obligation under international humanitarian law to protect civilian infrastructure, including the bridges and roads necessary for humanitarian access. We intend to meet the SAF delegation as soon as they arrive or contact them in any way they choose.