Julia dos Santos serves as the director of partnerships for the Mena region at MassiveMusic. At just 29 years old, this Brazilian-Swiss expatriate has made Dubai her home since her arrival six years ago. Santos views her relationship with money as a close and dynamic one, requiring daily attention and adjustments to keep pace with life's twists and turns.

If asked to describe money in a single word, Santos would choose 'enabler.' She describes her evolving relationship with money from initially perceiving it as elusive and unpredictable to now seeing it as a learnable and utilizable resource, provided there is proper planning and pacing. She often quotes, “Money is a great servant, but a terrible master,” emphasizing the importance of controlling money rather than letting it control one's life, emotions, and ambitions.

Santos often consults her father about financial matters, who acts as her advisor. She recalls a memorable lesson on investing with her father on JBR beach, where he drew a roadmap in the sand. Santos believes that while it's normal to face financial challenges, it's shameful to earn money dishonestly or to value it above all else.

She has gained valuable financial insights from various sources, including the Instagram account HerFirst100K and the Netflix series How to Get Rich, which emphasizes that a rich life is not about the amount in one's bank account but about defining what is truly important and planning finances accordingly. Sophiawomen.com also provides interactive guidance on money mindset, habits, and financial literacy.

One of the most profound experiences Santos had regarding money was during her student days when she was short on funds and late on her bills. After returning extra change to a pizza delivery person, she discovered that she had not incurred late fees and even had a credit from two years prior that covered her current bill. This incident reinforced her belief in the importance of doing the right thing.

Living in the UAE, known as the 'land of possibility,' has significantly enhanced Santos's income and living standards. She finds the environment conducive to growth, especially when surrounded by the right people. Interacting with diverse individuals in the UAE has provided her with many inspiring stories that enhance her appreciation for what she has.

Santos allocates 10% of her earnings to tithing and another 10% to savings each month. She also saves additional amounts when possible.