Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment's latest Jurassic World film officially received its title on Thursday morning, accompanied by the release of two first-look photos. The film, titled Jurassic World Rebirth, is eagerly awaited and slated for release on Wednesday, July 2, 2025. Check out the thrilling photos from the forthcoming blockbuster above and below.

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Reports indicate that the studio has disclosed Scarlett Johansson's role as covert operations expert Zora Bennett in Gareth Edwards' upcoming blockbuster. Bennett is assigned to lead a team on a covert mission to gather genetic material from the three largest dinosaurs on Earth. With the planet's ecology growing increasingly inhospitable to the dinosaurs that escaped from captivity in 2018's Fallen Kingdom—originally housed in the Jurassic World park from the 2015 franchise reboot—Bennett's mission takes place five years after the global dinosaur domination depicted in Dominion.