Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar marked the 18th anniversary of his acclaimed film Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna (KANK), featuring Shah Rukh Khan, Rani Mukerji, Preity Zinta, Abhishek Bachchan, and Amitabh Bachchan. Johar commemorated the occasion by sharing a series of behind-the-scenes clips on Instagram, reflecting on the journey of KANK.

In his post, Johar expressed, "KANK was a path I might not have chosen, yet it remains the finest choice I've ever made...even today! This movie not only provided me with unforgettable moments with my extraordinary cast, who felt more like family, but also bolstered my confidence in narrating stories rooted in my beliefs about complex yet enchanting relationships...much like life itself. Cheers to 18 years of #KabhiAlvidaNaaKehna!"

The post quickly garnered attention, with fans and colleagues alike sharing their sentiments in the comments. Neha Dhupia exclaimed, "Oh my." Abhishek Bachchan reminisced, "Best memories." Manish Malhotra added, "A film ahead of its time...adore KANK and the cherished memories from our extensive New York shoot."

Directed by Johar, Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna centers on Dev (Khan) and Maya (Mukerji), who encounter each other amidst their troubled marriages. They initially aim to salvage their respective unions but find themselves drawn together. The film received varied reviews but was recognized for its progressive narrative.