Leonardo DiCaprio's uncomfortable reaction to a traditional Fiji farewell has been captured on video. The 50-year-old Oscar-winning actor was seen departing a hotel in Nadi, Fiji's main island, this week, where he was serenaded by hotel staff as he left. In a TikTok video, DiCaprio, dressed in black and wearing sunglasses, appeared to take a phone call upon noticing the large crowd in the hotel lobby, then tipped his cap and lowered his head.

DiCaprio did not acknowledge the singing staff, leading online commenters to criticize his apparent lack of courtesy. The staff typically perform cultural tributes for all guests, and there were also numerous tourists in the lobby filming DiCaprio's exit into a black car. Some comments called his behavior 'disrespectful,' while others defended him, noting the intrusive filming by other guests and his desire for privacy.

DiCaprio's reason for being in Fiji is unclear, though he has previously collaborated with the country through his conservation organization, the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (LDF). In 2017, LDF granted funds to provide renewable energy to rural communities. DiCaprio is a long-time climate change activist, advocating for action during his 2016 Oscar acceptance speech for 'The Revenant.'

Source link:   https://nypost.com