Are you a psychologist from your home country looking to practice in the UAE, or a professional seeking licensing in a different emirate? To engage in social care professions in the UAE, you must obtain a license from the relevant authority in each emirate. This guide outlines the necessary documents, validity periods, conditions, and application steps for licenses in Sharjah, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi.

To practice social care in Sharjah, apply for a license through the Sharjah Social Services Department (SSSD). You need a minimum of two years of experience in social work. Unlicensed practice incurs a Dh5000 fine. Eligible professionals include social workers, psychologists, therapists, and educators. Apply online via UAE Pass or at a customer happiness center using an Emirates ID reader. After submission, the administration reviews your application within 14 days, followed by a committee decision within another 14 days. Required documents include passports, academic transcripts, experience certificates, and more.

In Dubai, apply for a two-year license through the Community Development Authority (CDA). One year of social profession experience is required. Eligible roles include social workers, counselors, and educators. Submit applications to after obtaining verification from Dataflow. Complete a licensing exam at British University Dubai and, for certain roles, an intensive training program. Subsequent steps include submitting an employment contract and taking an oath.

Abu Dhabi
For Abu Dhabi, apply for a one-year license via the TAMM website of the Abu Dhabi Department of Community Development. The service is free. After preliminary online approval, complete specified procedures and pass a professional competency test. Required documents include passports, educational certificates, experience certificates, and a good conduct certificate.