If you've embarked on a fitness journey, you likely understand that achieving your goal is challenging, but maintaining it is even more so. This is why Shikha Aggarwal's remarkable success in maintaining her fitness over more than a decade is particularly noteworthy. The 40-year-old Indian expatriate began her struggle with weight gain 14 years ago during her first pregnancy. Standing at five feet seven inches, she recalls her weight ballooning from 55 kilos to 115 by the end of her pregnancy. Her doctor's advice for a lifestyle change initially led her to consider professional help, but she ultimately decided to understand her body better. Over the course of 10 months, she managed to shed 55 kilos.

Aggarwal maintained this weight loss for seven years before her second pregnancy, during which she gained 35 kilos, which she lost again in six months. She has kept this weight off for the past seven years. She attributes her weight gain during pregnancy to hypothyroidism, for which she is on lifelong medication. Aggarwal emphasizes that maintaining a certain weight requires a committed lifestyle, noting that her body type makes her prone to weight gain, so she remains vigilant.

Aggarwal's commitment to her new lifestyle stemmed from personal pain; she recalls being ridiculed and body-shamed after her first child's birth, which led to depression. Her love for fashion and dressing up motivated her to take control. Her strict diet involved no carbs, sugar, or cheat meals, even on special occasions. She advises against fad dieting, recommending home-cooked meals and tracking calorie intake instead. Regular gym visits and occasional cheat meals are also part of her regimen.

Aggarwal believes in the importance of cheat meals to manage cravings and maintain resolve. She emphasizes a colorful, high-fiber diet and self-awareness about how her body responds to certain foods. In a social hub like Dubai, where dining out is common, she manages by eating early and opting for healthier alternatives when dining out. She starts her day with a glass of water and seeds, eating her main meal around 3 pm.

Exercise is crucial for her, with a daily goal of 10,000 steps. Her commitment to health has influenced her family, with her husband and children adopting healthier habits. Aggarwal advises against consuming leftover food from children's plates, calling it empty calories. She concludes that fitness is a personal commitment that can lead to remarkable achievements in various aspects of life.