On Friday, Mali announced a state of national disaster due to floods that have claimed 30 lives and impacted over 47,000 individuals since the beginning of the rainy season, as stated by the council of ministers.

As reported by Reuters, the West and Central Africa region typically experiences floods of varying intensity from June to September, a period when heavy rains affect the Sahel belt countries bordering the southern edge of the Sahara desert. OCHA, the UN's humanitarian agency, noted in mid-August that this season's flooding has already affected more than 716,000 people across the region, with forecasts indicating above-average rainfall.

The Dubai Charity Association has responded to the urgent needs caused by the heavy rains in Mali and Niger, providing relief assistance. This aid includes food packages, a medical team to combat malaria, and the construction of temporary shelters. The assistance has reached families in Bla, Ségou region of Mali, and Shentberdine village in Tawa state of Niger.