Over 650,000 fake cosmetic products and accessories valued at Dh23 million were confiscated in Ras Al Khaimah, according to local police reports on Wednesday. Additionally, three individuals have been detained. The authorities disclosed that they had received a communication from the Economic Development Department, alerting them to two storage facilities used for housing counterfeit goods branded with international trademarks. These facilities were targeted in a raid following the acquisition of the requisite permissions from the Public Prosecution. Three Arab suspects were apprehended and forwarded to the Public Prosecution. Colonel Omar Al Oud Al Tineji, the head of the Criminal Investigations and Investigative Affairs Department, mentioned that upon receipt of the letter, a specialized task force was promptly assembled by the authority. This team conducted surveillance on the warehouses over several days, during which they observed questionable loading and storage operations. The task force was composed of the Organised Crime Department under the Criminal Investigation Directorate and the Monitoring and Commercial Protection Department at the Department of Economic Development.