The creators of Mirzapur are sparing no effort to generate excitement for the third season. On Sunday, a rap song titled 'Gandi Bimari' by Raga was released. This rhythm-heavy track captures the spirit of the series, emphasizing themes of power and control, and illustrating how a conflict can evolve into a victory. The song is performed and written by musician Ravi Mishra (Raga) and composed by Raga and Anshuman Lehri (Wamp), following Guddu Pandit's path to seize the throne.

Recently, the trailer for the highly anticipated third season of Mirzapur was unveiled in Mumbai. Director and Executive Producer Gurmmeet Singh stated, "The first two seasons of Mirzapur significantly impacted the crime thriller genre in India's streaming landscape. With Mirzapur 3, we aim to enhance the momentum and elevate the storyline to unprecedented levels, delving into new aspects and dimensions of each character's life, filled with unexpected plot twists. We are extremely eager for fans to see the battle for Mirzapur's throne unfold in the new season." He further added, "The stakes are higher and the scope has expanded. After a break of three-and-a-half years, we, like our audience, are impatient for the global release of Mirzapur 3 on Prime Video."

The crime drama's first season debuted in 2018, followed by the second in 2020. Before the third season's release in July, actor Ali Fazal reminisced about the difficulties he encountered while reprising his role as Guddu Pandit. "I'm uncertain about what Season 3 holds, but I believe I've accurately portrayed the journey of this young man who, despite the corruption around him, retains his innocence. A young man on the brink of adulthood, transformed by societal circumstances into various forms of adversity. It has been a demanding role, one I will always treasure," he shared.

He continued, "This is a world and a character I don't identify with, yet I've attempted to understand it analytically, studying the script, the thought processes, and interactions within those settings. The stories, or 'kahaniyan,' can be narrated from any viewpoint. Here, it's seen through Guddu's eyes. The rest, including the bodybuilder's physique and the madness displayed, are manifestations of deep-seated traumas this character has endured." Ali detailed his preparation for the role, stating, "To convey such profound empathy through this character, and for the audience to connect with it, requires an actor who can envision the experiences of someone in such a situation, or any situation. My greatest challenge was to step back, observe without judgment, and truly understand. I've endeavored to achieve this, hoping it resonates on any screen where it's viewed."

The new season will premiere on Prime Video on July 5.