Beauty, brains, and courage are the hallmarks of Naila Kiani, a Pakistani expatriate residing in Dubai, who demonstrates that bravery knows no age or gender boundaries. During her recent mountaineering expedition, Kiani provided solace to the family of Hassan Shigri, who perished tragically last year at the treacherous bottleneck of K2 at 8,200 meters. Her actions underscore that genuine bravery is rooted in compassion. Kiani has not only raised the bar with her daring feats but also illustrated that acts of humanity flourish through her extraordinary accomplishments.

In an interview with Khaleej Times, Kiani recounted the poignant moment of retrieving the body of mountaineer Hassan Shigri: “Retrieving a body from such an altitude was deemed impossible. I was contacted by Hassan’s family to assist in bringing his body down, as he had passed away a year prior.” She continued: “His family sought closure and a dignified burial for Hassan, prompting me to undertake this mission despite the lack of funding and the urgency of the situation. We collaborated with other teams to pinpoint the body’s location and awaited the opportune moment. The final hurdle was securing a military helicopter due to adverse weather conditions. Miraculously, as soon as the body was retrieved, we encountered a perfect weather window for the helicopter to transport it to Hassan’s village. Everything unfolded rapidly.

Kiani lauds Murad Sadpara, Akbar Sadpara, Zakir Sadpara, Ali Mohammed, and Dilawar Sadpara for their valor and commitment in endangering their lives to recover the body and deliver it to Hassan Shigri’s family. Kiani views her journey from a novice climber three years ago to leading one of the world’s most perilous expeditions as a monumental achievement.

When asked about her inspiration to pursue mountaineering, Kiani revealed: “I was a novice boxer, so I was already an athlete when I embarked on my first trek to K2 Basecamp five years ago. Prior to that, I never envisioned myself as a mountaineer or climber. Just before my trek, I watched a documentary about Everest where individuals perished at the end. I couldn’t fathom why people would jeopardize their lives to reach the summit.” Kiani found her motivation in the excitement she observed in her fellow climbers at K2 Basecamp. “After returning, I didn’t think I would ever climb again. It wasn’t until a stranger saw my pictures at K2 basecamp in my wedding dress and invited me to join him on a 7000m peak that the idea of climbing took hold in my mind. I had never considered climbing before, especially as a mother, but that invitation sowed the seed.”

What began as a tentative endeavor has blossomed into a profound passion for this exceptional mountaineer. Kiani recalls a pivotal challenge in her career when skepticism and low expectations nearly deterred her. However, her unwavering determination propelled her to surmount this hurdle and achieve her objectives. “Many doubted my capability, yet I succeeded in climbing 11 of the world’s highest peaks, all above 8,000m, within just three years. This is an accomplishment that many men in Pakistan, even those native to the mountains and with resources and opportunities, cannot fathom. People questioned my ambitious plans, even as I summited peaks, hearing comments that I was merely fortunate or that I was aided by others to reach the top.”

Kiani reflects on the importance of representing Pakistan on the world’s highest peaks and hopes to inspire others: “Climbing Gasherbrum I immediately after K2 in 2022 was my most arduous challenge yet. With only three of us and harsh weather conditions, much of the mountain was unroped. Confronting 70km/h winds on an exposed section, I contemplated turning back. But thinking of my two daughters, I pressed on despite the daunting climb of unroped rock and ice. I hope my journey inspires others to overcome their challenges.”

Kiani embodies bravery and pride as she reflects on her journey: “Representing Pakistan on the world’s highest peaks was something I never envisioned I would do, especially after having children. As a married woman with two small children and a professional career, it seemed unattainable. But if I can reach the highest peaks in the world and become one of the most accomplished female mountaineers, then anyone can achieve their goals. It’s about determination, passion, and believing in yourself, regardless of the obstacles. If I can do it, so can you.” Kiani’s final message is a powerful call to action for the youth: “Never abandon your dreams, regardless of the obstacles. Avoid shortcuts and set ambitious goals. Work relentlessly, and do not make excuses. Once you commit and invest your energy, the universe will align to assist you in achieving your dreams.”