Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to travel to Ukraine, according to the Indian foreign ministry's announcement on Monday. This marks his inaugural visit to the conflict-stricken nation since the onset of hostilities with Russia, and it comes roughly a month after his meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. Further details regarding the journey will be disclosed later today, the ministry stated. Indian media outlets have speculated that Modi may be planning a trip to Kyiv within this month.

The Western powers have implemented sanctions against Moscow in response to its incursion into Ukraine in 2022. However, countries like India and China have maintained their trade relations with Russia. India has avoided explicitly accusing Russia of wrongdoing in its so-called special military operation, instead advocating for a resolution of the dispute between the neighboring nations via dialogue and diplomatic means.

The United States has expressed its worries about India's continued association with Russia, particularly as Washington aims to bolster its relationship with New Delhi as a possible balance to a rising China. New Delhi is endeavoring to strengthen its ties with the West while preserving its longstanding relationship with Russia.