Ageing affects women differently than men, both physically and psychologically, creating a fear of menopause for most women due to the monumental changes it brings. However, recent studies suggest that with proper care, the experience of menopause can be improved. Sharon James, a menopause coach based in Dubai, discusses the importance of removing the stigma around menopause and using nutrition to better manage it.

Sharon James, originally from Yorkshire and with a background in personal training and education, shares her journey to becoming a menopause coach. With over three decades of experience in health coaching, she emphasizes the significance of reclaiming control and understanding one's needs for a healthier future. Her personal experience with unexpected health changes at 44 led her to specialize in women's midlife wellbeing, focusing on education and empowerment through workshops and collaborations with various organizations.

Through her online courses for women above 40, Sharon aims to provide comprehensive understanding and evidence-based lifestyle solutions for menopause, empowering women to manage their physical and mental wellbeing. She highlights the importance of addressing challenges in nutrition, exercise, stress, relationships, and sleep, as well as advocating for open conversations about menopause similar to discussions around periods.

Sharon addresses the impact of fast-paced lifestyles on ageing, emphasizing that menopausal women can thrive regardless of their busy schedules. She also acknowledges the resilience of women, stating that menopause, although posing challenges, can ultimately lead to a stronger and more confident phase of life.

Highlighting the individual struggles of her clients, including those facing menopause due to health conditions, Sharon emphasizes empowerment and determination rather than heartbreak. She shares her own transformative journey and the realization that understanding menopause is crucial for mental and physical wellbeing.

For younger women, Sharon stresses the importance of self-awareness and knowledge about menopause, emphasizing the need for informed choices and changes in habits related to nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress. She also delves into the specific difficulties faced by women in midlife, particularly in personal and professional spheres.

Sharon sheds light on the impact of menopause on men and the importance of communication and education in helping them understand and support their partners. She also addresses the historical roots of fear surrounding menopause and the significance of providing accurate information to dispel myths and reduce isolation.

Finally, she discusses the founding of Mindful Meals, a service focusing on nutrition for hormonal balance and overall health, reflecting her dedication to holistic wellbeing.