A fresh initiative aims to assist young Emiratis in planning their weddings prudently, steering clear of excessive spending. The Department of Community Development – Abu Dhabi (DCD) introduced the Medeem Model for Women's Weddings on Thursday, aiming to foster a 'new wave' of genuine wedding celebrations within UAE society. This model presents an elegant approach to weddings that caters to the younger generation's preferences while adhering to Emirati values of moderation and humility. It also focuses on fostering stable marriages and families by educating youth on financial management.

These Medeem weddings predominantly draw from Emirati culture but incorporate contemporary elements that allow couples to showcase their personal style without overdoing it, according to Mugheer Khamis Al Khaili, chairman of DCD – Abu Dhabi. 'Designed to support Medeem's efforts in establishing new wedding practices among young UAE citizens, the model combines the traditions and authenticity of past weddings with the sophistication of modern ceremonies,' Al Khaili explained. 'It avoids the extravagance that can result in significant financial strain and potentially jeopardize a couple's happiness and future stability.'

He emphasized that lavish weddings often lead to excessive expenditure, and it is important for young people to experience a life rich in affection, love, and blessings. To take advantage of the Medeem Model for Women's Weddings, both prospective partners must be UAE nationals, with the husband being either a citizen or resident of Abu Dhabi. Couples are required to complete a premarital program offered by the upcoming Medeem Centre for Family Flourishing. Upon completion, they will receive a Medeem benefits card.

The Abu Dhabi Family Wellbeing Strategy, launched last year, includes specific support for youth. The Medeem initiative aligns with this strategy's vision by providing young people with the necessary knowledge and skills to build a solid foundation for their families.