Beginning in mid-August 2024, telemarketers in the UAE are restricted to calling customers only between 9am and 6pm. Notably, if a consumer declines a service or product during the initial call, they cannot be contacted again on the same day. Non-compliance with these rules can lead to administrative penalties, including warnings and fines up to Dh150,000. These measures are part of new regulations introduced by the Ministry of Economy and the Telecommunication and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA). The new procedures, regulations, and penalties concerning telemarketing are detailed below, providing essential information for both consumers and businesses:

Effective Date: The new rules will be enforced starting mid-August 2024.

Objective: The regulations aim to ensure companies follow designated marketing channels and times, reducing unwanted calls and respecting consumer privacy.

Calling Hours: Telemarketing calls are permitted only from 9 am to 6 pm.

Multiple Calls: Telemarketers are not allowed to call consumers more than once a day or twice a week if the consumer does not respond or ends the call.

Consent Requirement: Marketers must ask consumers if they wish to continue the call before starting any marketing or advertising.

Complaints: Consumers can file complaints with the relevant authority regarding unwanted marketing calls.

Opt-Out: Consumers have the right to register in the DNCR to stop receiving marketing calls and can file complaints against violators.

Pressure Tactics: Telemarketers are prohibited from using pressure tactics or misleading information when marketing products or services.

Coverage: The law covers phone calls, SMS messages, and social media marketing.

Phone Usage: Telemarketing calls must be made using company-registered local phone numbers.

Personal Calls: Individuals are not allowed to make marketing calls from personal phones.

Penalties for Personal Calls: Violators can face fines up to Dh5,000 and disconnection of phone services.

Violation Types: The law specifies 18 types of violations with fines ranging from Dh10,000 to Dh150,000.

Training: Companies must provide training on professional conduct for marketing calls.

License Consequences: Violations can lead to warnings, fines, suspension of activities, license cancellation, and removal from the commercial register.

Data Privacy: It is prohibited to disclose or sell consumer data without consent.

Exemptions: No penalties apply for calls initiated at the consumer’s request.

Approval: Companies must obtain prior approval from relevant authorities to practice telemarketing.

Jurisdiction: The law applies to all licensed companies in the UAE, including those in free zones.

Record Keeping: Companies must submit periodic reports and maintain records of marketing calls.

Monitoring: Various UAE authorities will monitor the implementation of these laws, each according to their jurisdiction.