OpenAI will provide discounted corporate ChatGPT subscriptions to non-profit organizations, as announced by the Microsoft-backed firm on Thursday, in an effort to increase sales of its artificial intelligence product to businesses. As part of the program, large non-profits will be eligible for a 50% discount on the enterprise-grade version of ChatGPT, while smaller non-profits using ChatGPT Team will pay $20 per month per user, compared to the standard $25 or $30.

When OpenAI launched the consumer-oriented ChatGPT in November 2022, it sparked a surge in the use of generative AI for various daily tasks, ranging from writing to coding, and quickly amassed 100 million users. Recently, the company has been targeting large organizations to adopt its ChatGPT enterprise product, aiming to make it a significant part of its revenue stream. Additionally, the company revealed a partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and provided a grant of $250,000 to the New York-based non-profit to support the development of an education chatbot built on OpenAI technology. This chatbot, called aprendIA, is currently undergoing testing in locations such as Bangladesh and Nigeria, with the goal of assisting educators in crisis zones.

The IRC emphasized the challenges faced by approximately 224 million school-aged and pre-school aged children in conflict and crisis settings, stating that teachers lack resources to support these children effectively. Educators will be able to utilize aprendIA to create interactive and personalized teaching content tailored to various humanitarian contexts. In order to extend its global reach, IRC plans to make chatbots available on low-tech devices and within existing chat platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, in multiple languages.