Ajay: Hey, it seems like you've been deep in thought recently. What's been occupying your mind?

Friend: Actually, Ajay, I've noticed that I tend to overthink things, particularly when it comes to making work-related decisions. This habit is beginning to impact my productivity.

Ajay: I get that. Overthinking can definitely hinder our progress, especially in today's fast-paced environment. It might also stem from lingering on past errors or excessive worry about potential future issues.

Friend: Exactly. It's as if I can't stop myself from planning out every possible outcome. I end up spending too much time scrutinizing details, which sometimes prevents me from making any decision at all.

Ajay: That sounds draining. The pursuit of perfection and excessive analysis can really stall us. It's like you're always looking for the ideal solution or approval before taking action. Sometimes, it's wiser to proceed with something that's 'good enough' rather than waiting for perfection.

Friend: You're right. I think part of it is my fear of making mistakes, so I over-plan to avoid them.

Ajay: I see. Setting clear criteria and deadlines for decision-making could be beneficial. It keeps things on track. Also, try to celebrate milestones along the way instead of only focusing on the final outcome. Acknowledging progress boosts morale and motivation.

Friend: That's definitely an area I need to improve on. I often overlook my achievements because I'm always looking ahead.

Ajay: Finding a balance between planning and action is crucial. We all need time to process our thoughts without letting them dominate us. You might find it helpful to set aside structured time for reflection and gaining perspective.

Friend: That does sound practical. Thanks, Ajay. I'll give these strategies a try and see how they work out.

Ajay: Anytime, my friend.

— Dr Ajayya Kumar is a management thinker, art enthusiast, mentor, business advisor, author, and strategist. Views expressed are his own and do not reflect the newspaper’s policy.