Overwatch 2 is set to receive another anime crossover, this time with the popular superhero shonen series My Hero Academia. The anime and manga, which center around high-school superheroes and villains fighting for the future of a world where most people possess special superpowers known as Quirks, aligns well with Overwatch's own superhero-themed roster of heroes and villains. My Hero Academia's manga concluded earlier this year with chapter 430, although the anime continues to air. During the limited-time event, players will have the opportunity to purchase five My Hero Academia skins, including three hero and two villain skins, available from October 17 to October 30. While these skins will require real money to acquire, players will also receive some free items such as sprays and a weapon charm.

This My Hero Academia crossover marks the latest in a series of anime collaborations for Overwatch 2, following previous partnerships with sci-fi anime Cowboy Bebop and the superhero series One-Punch Man. Currently, Overwatch 2 players can celebrate the 30th anniversary of World of Warcraft with special Warcraft-themed skins and customization options. Additionally, Blizzard has announced perks for Overwatch 2 players who are Game Pass subscribers or sign up before November 11, including six hero skins, a 10% Battle Pass XP boost, and a one-time bonus of 30 Mythic Prisms, which are used to upgrade Mythic skins.