A Pakistani court delayed a ruling on an appeal by former prime minister Imran Khan and his third wife against their conviction for unlawful marriage, pending the judge's recusal due to bias allegations by Khan's wife's former husband.

Khan and his wife Bushra, also known as Bushra Bibi, were sentenced to seven years in jail just before a national election, for violating Islamic law by not observing the required interval after Bibi's divorce. This is one of four convictions for Khan, with three occurring in the lead-up to the election. The 71-year-old former cricket star and his party assert that these cases were politically motivated attempts to hinder his return to power. Khan has been in jail since August.

The court in Islamabad had planned to announce its judgment, but instead, Sessions Judge Shahrukh Arjumand requested the Islamabad High Court to transfer the appeals to another court, as per a letter shared by Khan's media team and lawyer. The letter mentioned Maneka's lack of trust in Arjumand, deeming it inappropriate to deliver a decision at the time. It remains uncertain whether the High Court will transfer the case or start anew.

In February's election, candidates supported by Khan's party secured the most seats but fell short of a majority. His opponent, Shehbaz Sharif, managed to form a government with allied parties' support.