The Paris Olympics will be a spectacular event amidst historic global disruptions and growing divisive forces, according to International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach, who spoke on Monday, just four days before the Games' opening ceremony.

The Olympics in Paris will feature several groundbreaking elements, including an opening ceremony on barges along the Seine River instead of the traditional stadium setting. Major Parisian landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower will be integrated into the competitions, which will take place in various urban areas across the city. This will also mark the first Olympics with gender parity, featuring equal participation of men and women.

"Like billions of people around the world, we eagerly await the youngest, most inclusive, urban, and sustainable Games," Bach remarked at the opening of the IOC session in Paris. "We are convinced that together with the entire world, we will experience spectacular Olympic Games," he added, with French President Emmanuel Macron present.

Over 10,500 athletes from 206 national Olympic Committees will compete in the 16-day multi-sports event, marking 100 years since the last time Paris hosted the Games, with more than 30,000 security officers on duty. Bach also addressed the challenges faced by the global sports body in a changing world order.

"We are witnessing a new world order in the making," Bach stated. "Historic disruptions are overturning the international relations system established since World War II." He highlighted trends such as economic decoupling, beggar-thy-neighbour policies, and the dominance of narrow self-interests over the rule of law, noting that multilateralism is struggling globally.

Bach emphasized the importance of the IOC's focus on solidarity, supported by increased revenues to be distributed to national Olympic committees, international federations, and other stakeholders. The IOC has secured $7.3 billion for the years 2025-28 and raised $6.2 billion for the period 2029-2032.

Addressing the changing lifestyles of young people in a digital world, Bach warned of the risk of alienating the Olympic movement from the younger generation. "We can and must change before we are changed," he urged. "For this change, we need a mindset shift towards that of digital natives. We must engage where young people are, both in the real and digital worlds."

The IOC is moving forward with the creation of Olympic Esports Games in a 12-year partnership with Saudi Arabia, aiming to connect with a younger audience and strengthen the Olympic brand. "In these challenging times, there are many divisive forces tearing humanity apart," Bach noted. "In this divided world, athletes embody our shared hope for a better future."