An Arab passenger, who was accused of bringing and possessing amphetamine pills and e-cigarettes containing cannabis-liquid, managed to avoid lengthy imprisonment and was instead fined Dh10,000 after his lawyer successfully argued for a reduction in charges. Upon his arrival at Dubai International Airport in June 2023, the man was accused by Dubai prosecutors of possessing 24 e-cigarettes with an oily substance mixed with cannabis and 19-and-a-half amphetamine pills. The illegal substances, seized at Terminal 3, included 24 e-cigarettes containing a cannabis-infused oily substance weighing 23.5 grams and amphetamine weighing 3.87 grams.

Prosecutors initially sought the harshest punishment, without specifying the defendant's intent. The defendant's lawyer, Massouma Al Sayegh of Dar Al Balagh Advocates, argued that the forensic lab could not determine the exact weight of the cannabis in the e-cigarettes or whether the substance was added before or after manufacture. This uncertainty was crucial as it could have led to a lighter sentence if the total weight of the illegal substance was under 20 grams.

Al Sayegh successfully convinced the court to re-examine the seized items, leading to the defendant pleading guilty to personal consumption of the substances. The lawyer argued that the charges of bringing and possessing drugs without intent were unfounded, requesting the court to downgrade the charges to a misdemeanor for personal use of mind-affecting substances. The Dubai Criminal Court acquitted the defendant of possessing cannabis but fined him Dh10,000 for possessing amphetamine for personal use. Additionally, the court barred the defendant from transferring money without permission from the UAE Central Bank and the Interior Ministry for two years.

The Dubai Appeal Court upheld the initial ruling.