Philippine Police announced on Wednesday that they have filed a formal complaint against Vice President Sara Duterte and several members of her security team in connection with a recent incident at the lower house of Congress. The complaint, which includes charges of direct assault, disobedience, and grave coercion, was filed following an altercation at the lower chamber and a hospital, according to a statement from the Philippine National Police (PNP).
Duterte, the daughter of former President Rodrigo Duterte, has been at the center of a contentious congressional inquiry into the expenditures of her office as vice president and education minister. During these hearings, she has frequently clashed with lawmakers.
"The PNP remains committed to upholding justice and ensuring that all individuals are held accountable under the law, regardless of their position," stated Police Chief Rommel Francisco Marbil.
This complaint marks another challenge for Duterte, who has recently experienced a strained relationship with Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr, with whom she ran for office. Duterte has expressed outrage over the detention of her aide at the lower house complex, who is also under investigation by the house. The aide was subsequently transferred to a government hospital for medical care.
On Saturday, Duterte made a controversial statement, claiming she had hired an assassin to kill the president, his wife, and the speaker of the Philippine house if she were to be killed. This remark drew a strong rebuke from Marcos.
Philippine law officials have since summoned Duterte for questioning regarding her statements. She defended herself, stating that her words were misconstrued to fabricate a narrative suggesting that Marcos' life was in immediate danger. Duterte described her comments as a "conditional act of revenge."
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