Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emerged as the most followed leader in office on the social media platform 'X', boasting over 100 million followers. In a comparison of follower counts among Indian politicians on X, PM Modi's numbers are notably higher. The Leader of Opposition, Rahul Gandhi, has 26.4 million followers, while Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has 27.5 million. Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav has 19.9 million followers, and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has 7.4 million. Rashtriya Janata Dal leader Lalu Prasad Yadav has 6.3 million followers, with his son Tejashwi Yadav having 5.2 million. NCP Chief Sharad Pawar has 2.9 million followers. PM Modi's following surpasses that of other global leaders, including US President Joe Biden with 38.1 million followers and Pope Francis with 18.5 million. He also leads over some prominent athletes such as Virat Kohli with 64.1 million followers, Brazilian footballer Neymar Jr with 63.6 million, and American basketball player LeBron James with 52.9 million. Celebrities like Taylor Swift with 95.3 million followers, Lady Gaga with 83.1 million, and Kim Kardashian with 75.2 million also trail behind PM Modi. Over the past three years, PM Modi's X account has experienced a substantial growth of about 30 million followers. His influence is also prominent on YouTube and Instagram, where he has nearly 25 million subscribers and over 91 million followers respectively. PM Modi joined the X platform in 2009.