Following the success of Kalki 2898 AD, Prabhas revealed a thrilling update about his forthcoming movie, The Raja Saab. The film's new poster was released on Sunday, featuring Prabhas in a suit. Additionally, the makers confirmed that the much-anticipated first look of the film will be unveiled on July 29. The production team estimates that 40 percent of the filming has been wrapped up, with a significant shooting schedule planned to start on August 2. The soundtrack, composed by SS Thaman, and the fight sequences choreographed by Ram Laxman Masters and King Solomon promise to deliver memorable moments in the cinema. Kamalakannan R.C., known for his work in Baahubali, is overseeing the VFX. The Raja Saab boasts a star-studded cast including Prabhas, Malavika Mohanan, Nidhhi Agerwal, and Riddhi Kumar in pivotal roles. The film is set to release in five languages: Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi. Fans can look forward to The Raja Saab hitting theaters in April 2025.