From daily doctor visits to personalized orthopedic mattresses, one of Dubai's priciest early childhood centers stands out from typical childcare facilities. Equipped with top-tier air purifiers and a comprehensive food menu, this nursery demands an annual fee of Dh80,000, with an additional Dh17,000 for a tailored meal plan. Situated in Al Safa 2, the Friendly Early Childhood Centre caters to children aged 1.5 to 5 years. Robots welcome the kids, and a psychologist aids in their adjustment to the new environment.

The nursery avoids fried foods; instead, meals are cooked through baking, boiling, or steaming. Nutritional planning involves a three-step verification for proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, customized for each age bracket. Meal sizes are determined according to nutritional standards for each age group. Staff members also instruct on table etiquette and promote self-feeding by age 2, with appropriate guidance using forks and child-safe knives.

"The creation of our menu spanned nearly a year and a half, incorporating numerous trial sessions with children and their parents to guarantee both nutritional value and appeal," explained Angelina Dubrovskaia, the founder. Bilingual groups are taught in English and Russian, while international groups engage solely in English.

Children are exposed to art, multiple languages, music, gymnastics, yoga, tennis, and football. Dubrovskaia noted that she toured over 200 nurseries globally before establishing this facility. Regarding the fee structure, she stated, "We presented a detailed financial model to the regulators, detailing our expenses and the overall project cost structure."

The teaching staff comprises experts from England, Denmark, Switzerland, Russia, Canada, and more, offering lessons in English, Russian, Arabic, and Chinese. Daily doctor checks and hourly air disinfection in each classroom, along with toy sterilizers, minimize illness risks. Angelina stresses, "Impeccable cleanliness and hygiene are our top priorities," noting that "each child receives three sets of individually laundered and ironed bedding weekly."

Custom orthopedic mattresses and cooling pillows, tailored to each age group's specific needs, are provided. During nap times, children enjoy a starry sky projection on the ceiling. The center, adorned with various artworks, aims to foster creativity and aesthetic appreciation from an early age. Parents receive real-time updates on their children's progress through a dedicated app.