During his official visit to the United States, President Sheikh Mohamed convened with Emirati students enrolled in American universities and Emirati astronauts Nora Al Matrooshi and Mohammad Al Mulla, who recently completed NASA's astronaut training program. The gathering occurred at a reception hosted by the UAE Embassy in Washington.

The President expressed his delight in meeting young Emiratis studying at prestigious global institutions. He inquired about the students' well-being and academic progress, explored their areas of specialization, and reaffirmed the leadership's dedication to offering comprehensive support for their educational success. President Sheikh Mohamed underscored that the youth of the UAE are the nation's true wealth and that investing in them is pivotal for shaping the country's future. He highlighted the UAE's current phase of development, which demands a well-qualified and responsible next generation.

He urged the students to remain steadfast and commit their best efforts to acquiring knowledge, particularly in fields aligned with the nation's developmental vision. They should return equipped with the expertise and skills necessary to benefit both themselves and their country. The President emphasized that the world is progressing rapidly, especially in advanced technology, and those with technological expertise, particularly in artificial intelligence, hold significant influence and wealth. He encouraged the students to view themselves as ambassadors of the UAE, reflecting its values and character in all their endeavors.

President Sheikh Mohamed also urged the students to maintain their identity and values while engaging in the pursuit of new skills. He advised them to learn about the culture and traditions of their host society to serve as a bridge between the two cultures. He expressed pride in Emiratis who have brought honor to the UAE and the Arab world through space exploration, highlighting the involvement of UAE youth in space as a testament to their ability to succeed in any field and their commitment to acquiring advanced knowledge.

The President noted the UAE's ambitious goals in space exploration and its efforts to build a robust base of experts in this field. Emirati astronauts like Mohammad Al Mulla and Nora Al Matrooshi, along with their predecessors Hazza Al Mansouri and Sultan Al Neyadi, play a crucial role in this endeavor by sharing their knowledge and experience with colleagues in the UAE space program. He wished the students and astronauts continued success in contributing to the UAE's developmental journey.

The Emirati students expressed their joy at meeting the President and their appreciation for his interest in their well-being and the support provided by the UAE. They pledged to work diligently to meet his expectations. The meeting was attended by Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Court for Special Affairs; Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Tahnoun Al Nahyan, Advisor for Special Affairs at the Presidential Court; Ali bin Hammad Al Shamsi, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for National Security; Yousef Al Otaiba, Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to the United States of America; and several senior officials.